Garbage Installation amalgamates recycling with technology


Art is out of the canvas long ago and this is no news now. Here is an installation that can change the way we use digital energy. Ivan Cordoba is a filmmaker, graphic and motion designer with a strong creative capability both conceptually and in development processes. This he allows to be used in the field of so-called project culture, having acquired an important cross-cutting nature covering not just theoretical aspects but also more specific technical skills, from concept to final output. It´s what he calls a ‘consume installation’. In this installation the structure as well as the main components is part of a cycle of recycling. It is completely fashioned out of trash.


This artwork is a single use installation which means use and throw. One needs to really see it up close to figure out how it works. It´s an installation about macrointeligencia, a newly coined word which is difficult to explain but which means it’s a representation of digital information. It is also narrative of how this has brought about a new technological revolution that will produce a step change in the growth and development of cities in the twenty first century. This is no small feat when it will be done by the human capacity to dominate the flow of energy which will promote another great transformation in which will emerge a new type of macrointeligencia upward from the organization of life on the web. All this just sounds like the matrix.


In brief it means that the intention is that the people think about recycling as a cyclic process in the transformation of energy flows, the transformation in the development of cities because of the technological revolution and as the emergence of a new macrointeligencia caused by the evolution of digital information.



Via: Behance

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