Gardening Kit: A playful eco-friendly toy for kids

Home vegetable-growing kit

In this age of technology and tools, children too have not remained unaffected from good and bad effects of the same. Most of the children remain glued to their TV sets, video games, mobiles, PC Tablets, electronic toys and what not. They have in a way lost the connection with nature and in some way are also responsible for inflicting damage to the environment as they use battery run electronic toys and gadgets all the time. To bring children close to nature and to inculcate in them a sense of ownership for our environment, UK based designer Edward Barber has brought a mini gardening kit, named Peat. The kit is intended to inspire kids to grow vegetables indoors.

The kit comes with mini tools and greenhouse, small enough to fit snugly on the windowsill of any apartment. To maintain kids’ enthusiasm, barber has also added an element of home – mailing program, whereby kids receive seasonal seeds and activity booklets full of instructions written in easy language and attractive names. Like carrot seeds are named as “Carl the Carrot”.

The Gardening kit makes it a fun and productive activity for kids to grow the plants and feel the energy one gets from creation and productivity. Nurturing plants and seeing them blossom can include many other positive qualities in kids like caring for others, taking care of weak and vulnerable people and become responsible.

Besides, this activity can be instrumental in making kids more confident and instill in them a sense of self respect. At present the kit is merely a prototype and hence is not meant for sale but seeing the amount of interest it has received from lots of people, it is believed that ‘Peat’ will be available on gardening shops in near future.

Via: Fastcodesign

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