German architect unveils plans for the world’s largest man-made mountain

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While the world is busy raising sky-high buildings, Berlin is preparing to erect a 1,000m tall artificial mountain. Jakob Tigges, a German architect has recently unveiled a plan for world’s largest man-made mountain at the site of the former Tempelhof airport in Berlin. Dubbed ‘The Berg’, the peak would be covered with snow for 6 to 7 months offering a perfect environment for skiing.

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While the project certainly seems outlandish, Tigges says in his manifesto

While big and wealthy cities in many parts of the world challenge the limits of possibility by building gigantic hotels with fancy shapes, erecting sky-high office towers or constructing hovering philharmonic temples, Berlin sets up a decent mountain… Hamburg, as stiff as flat, turns green with envy, rich and once proud Munich starts to feel ashamed of its distant Alp-panorama and planners of the Middle-East, experienced in taking the spell off any kind of architectural utopia immediately design authentic copies of the iconic Berlin-Mountain.

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The mountain in the slope-less city will add a lot of green space to urban environment and attract a lot of tourist as well. The concept has already grabbed attention of nearly 3,500 people on Facebook and has been published by multiple outlets in the German press. The Berg is a rather unusual idea for a rather unusual peak.

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Via: Inhabitat/WorldArchitectureNews

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