Green camping ideas for sustainable holidays


Sizzling summer days are back again and I know most of you must have already started planning about how to spend your vacations. Although there are several options to have a blast at the holidays, camping is an excellent choice. It gives us time to be closer to Mother Nature, which is extremely difficult due to our work pressures and second, it makes us realize our innate abilities, likes and dislikes. However, on your journey to be closer to nature, you should also be considerate and thoughtful about how to avoid causing damage to the environment. Compiled below is a list of ideas and tips to have a clean and green camping experience.

  1. Follow the golden rule – “Reuse”

disposable plates

The first and the basic rule to be environmentally attentive while enjoying is to follow the reuse rule right from your camping gear like tents and backpacks to plates and bottles. Instead of disposable plates and cups, you should opt for reusable dishes, cleaning clothes, utensils along with a small bucket, sponge and a breathable bag to in your filthy clothes. This way you will cause less impact on the surroundings by keeping them pollution free.

  1. Use eco-friendly health-care products

Woman pouring body lotion into hand

The entire joy and excitement can be of ruined within no time all because of mosquitoes, bugs, sun burns etc. hence it is essential that you carry along sustainably manufactured products such as home-made sunscreens, organic bug sprays and repellants, phosphate free soaps and shampoos and citrus based cleansers an detergents. Chemical products can cause serious damage to the environment and its elements such as water bodies and animal life.

  1. Maintain cleanliness
Woman Photographing Her Family with Cell Phone Camera
Woman Photographing Her Family with Cell Phone Camera

No matter however prepared you go for camping there are chances that you will generate waste which you need to take care of. The cleanliness that you find when you are at the place should be kept as it is when you leave it. This can be achieved by following a few simple rules – do not let waste water from dishes and plates enter any water body such as lake or stream, take along toilet paper roll and attend nature’s calls at a far off place by digging a hole at least 6 inches deep and last but not the least, take a trash bag to collect and bring back any kind of waste.

  1. Eco-friendly sleeping bags and safe campfires


No one wants to be inside a used and tacky bed. While you go camping you can still go for a fresh new sleeping bag that has been made from reclaimed material. Thus you save resources. Similarly you should also be careful to have a safe and secure campfire. Follow the park’s guidelines regarding fire and let your campfire be contained inside pits. Keep flammable items at a pay from the fire pit and do not burn eatables as it might attract wild animals.

  1. Go gadget free

Tablet computer business woman

Keeping gadgets at home while going to “be wild” will save you from the noise and disturbance of the outer world as well as make your luggage lighter. After all, you are off on a journey to enjoy nature’s beauty and mystery, so why let the world disturb you?


Green tips and ideas to help you have the best time spent outdoors away from the clutter of gadgets and accessories and that too by causing the least possible impact on the environment. Happy camping!

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