Green slow juices to detox and stay healthy


Juicing is a healthy practice that has become very popular all over the world in recent years, but it has very remote origins. The ancient populations perfectly knew the benefits of fruits, vegetables and green products and used them to treat many diseases.

Today, thanks to the scientific literature, we know all the features of every green product and try to consume the ideal quantity every day to make our body take in all vitamins, minerals, natural sugar and so on. Experts recommend to take 6 portions of fruits and veggies per day, but it is quite difficult to follow this tip because of working time, commitments, and perhaps laziness! Green juices may help people to take in one drink all the nutrients they need without bothering to prepare any meal.

A good green juice contains no preservatives, fragrances, colorings or flavorings. Uzuma is a brand that offer 100% raw, fresh, green slow juices produced through a cold press technique that ensures maximum nutrition from fruit and veg. Carrots, apples, oranges, cucumbers, limes, spinach, beetroot: the ingredients are wisely blended to guarantee the effectiveness of every product according to the purpose of the consumer.


Green juices are used, for instance, to detox: through a program that may last a few days, you can cleanse your body from toxins with the injection of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients contained in juices. Before starting the cleansing you should consume for three days only fresh fruits and veggies, grains, eggs and drink plenty of water. This practice is used to prepare the body for cleansing, a short period that provides the only assumption of juices. This program helps to get rid of poisonous substances and to break the cycle of processed and unhealthy food too. Thanks to the integrity of all the natural nutrients, antioxidants, and enzymes, slow juices increase natural energy and make you feel much better.


In addition to the detox plan, people who would like to lose weight could also make use of slow juices: replacing a meal or all snacks and junk food with a green juice allows the body to store the energy it needs, by excluding calories and fat. After the diet, green juices help to maintain and control the body weight reached and can help to improve digestion. Green juices are helpful for athletes too: these natural products may improve sports performances in a natural way by ensuring that the body is getting all of the nutrition it requires.


Article Submitted by Community Writer.

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