Humble Beetle teaches a clever tactic to collect safe drinking water

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Many a times in the past animal life at the bottom of the food chain has taught us ways to meet our basic survival needs. This time it’s the humble beetle which managed to secure designer Kitae Pak’s attention through its unique way of getting water for itself leading to the creation of a Dew Bank Bottle. The dew bank bottle functions similar to a beetle, which hurries to the dune top, just to let the morning dew drops settle on its surface, and use the water so formed. The bottle’s cold stainless steel surface with its convex shape allows the moisture-laiden air to assimilate around its gentle slope in the form of dew drops. These drops not just get collected but also filtered through the rim of the bottle for safe drinking. Ideal for nomadic life where water is always a scarcity, the bottle indeed is an ingenious tactic.
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Via: YankoDesign

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