Five inspiring green initiatives

The Green initiatives

If innovation and eco friendliness are available in combined form, the world will become extremely beautiful and efficient. There are many innovative ideas to promote the “Going Green” initiative. Most of the young minds are working towards achieving the Green society that we always dream of achieving. There are many new inventions as well as reforming ideas in this field. People are working hard to transform worthless junks into valuables. If you are looking for some innovative ideas and initiatives then you can find the best from following five initiatives.

1. The junk cooler

People always wish to have a cooler in dry hot days of summer. You cannot go to picnics or outings on such a warm day, but not anymore. Now you can pack the cardboard box and make your own cooler without using any metal or plastic scraps for the bulky body. The cardboard box cooler from Cascade Thermafresh is a new initiative to have recyclable material to solve a major crisis. The box cooler is coated with a waterproof coating to increase its longevity and reusability. The Canadian company has started this great initiative to curb the use of environmentally harmful Styrofoam. Apart from that, the cardboard cooler is extremely light making it easily transportable. It works with the same principle of cooler but without any metal or Styrofoam body.

2. Recycled flops

Everyday you bring in lot of paper as wastes. These paper wastes can be in form of shredded documents or old newspaper. Have you ever given a thought to recycle these wastes? Now you can make have your own flip-flops of these recyclable matters. An Indonesian company have started an initiative in Jakarta to teach street children and physically or mentally challenged children the art of making flip-flops out of junk. They use biodegradable materials such as newspaper, hard shells, tree roots and natural rubber to make these flip-flops. These products are very comfortable and thus have become favorites among locals and tourists. In Indonesia, the poverty and prostitution have given rise to large number of unemployed people and street children. However, with such kind of initiative, time is not far that World will see Indonesia as a standard example to follow.

3. Refrigerator screen

It is different form of initiative to set an example to people about the growing menace of household junks. The Fridge or refrigerators are often associated with food but seldom people give thoughts about the use of refrigerator when it becomes useless. The London based enthusiasts have constructed a large screen using piles of junk refrigerator body. The initiative is not about solving the issue but about teaching people. The issue is about the search for good initiatives to use old junks out of our backyard junkyard. Every year thousand of tones of metal ores are mined with countless amounts of liters of chemical used for processing them that ultimately finds a place in our junk yard. The initiative is to let people know about the use of these metal scraps.

4. Junk Tire pots

Every year, people throw millions of vulcanized tires in streets and junkyards. Rubber is a natural biodegradable product that can be recycled but these vulcanized rubbers cannot be recycled or biodegraded. These tires often finds use as burning material during cold misty nights as they burn slowly with lot of heat. However, an Australian company names UBeautu has started an initiative to use this tires to form gardening pots. Since these tires are non-biodegradable, hard, waterproof and waste material, the use of the tires as gardening pots is a cheap and efficient initiative. The treads of the tires are used as mulch while the steel grips are recycled back to new metal parts. The remaining rubber tires are stitched and folded to form the gardening pots. The pots are further strengthened with details of these tires. The initiative truly is inspiring.

5. Hydroponic supermarket

BrightFarms, The New York based firm, has started an initiative to give vegetables to buyers straight from the ground. They have started sets of greenhouses that are designed to reduce carbon emission and carbon footprints. Now you can just visit the glasshouses, pay for your vegetables, and go home. They are trying to reduce the retail transport based carbon emission as well as the total carbon emission compared to open land farming. The glass houses produce nearly 500,000 lbs of produce. The initiative may be a start but it will be soon a major business model around the globe.

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