Kids enter Enviroschools EcoHut challenge with their green creations

eco hut

Kids are transforming into environmentalists at Tangowahine School in New Zealand. Just at a tender age of 6 and 7, five students have put their heart and soul to design and build an eco-hut. Orlando Woodcock, Daniel Sommerville, Liam Fanning, Jas Hazeldine and Tommy Stevenson spent eight months to convert natural material into a cute hut. Designed with the aim to enter an Enviroschools Eco-Hut competition, the hut had to fulfill the requirement of having a floor area of three-square meters with a maximum height of two meters and a total material cost of under $100. Located in the award winning Magic Garden, the structure is made using ponga logs, bamboo, flax, ricegrass, nikau leaves, flax and raupo.

forresthills eco hut

Taking suggestions from builders, adults and even an environmental construction expert, the kids created a hut whose walls became ponga logs held in place by bamboo stake, while the roof and upper wall frame were made from bamboo. The roof cover was a mixture of nikau, raupo and ricegrass. Their work that took nearly two and a half weeks to complete is one of only three in Northland and the only one in Kaipara to make it into the competition, which will be judged this Friday. The teams wants the hut to stay in the Magic garden even after the competition is over, giving other students an opportunity to use it and get inspired.

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The EcoHut Challenge that invites school-age students to design and build an ecological habitat on their school grounds that enhance all living things around has encouraged many teams to participate. The team from Forrest Hill Primary on the North Shore is geared up with its eco-hut, while giving a neck-to-neck competition is the team from Garston Primary in Southland. Take a look at the video to see Forrest Hill Primary team in action.

garston primarys eco hut

garston primarys eco hut1

Via: Aucklandstuff/Enviroschools

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