Lagomorph designer bicycle is an expensive mix of style and sustainability

Lagomorph Design‘s Black Walnut bike 1

You may be having many popular brand names encircling your mind when you decide to get one bicycle for yourself. Individual preferences apart, the one displayed here can divert your imagination. There are many options when it comes to cycle shopping, like the Bianchi and Schwinn, which have prestigious positions in the bicycle industry.

Lagomorph Design‘s Black Walnut bike 3

To name another is Giant which is the biggest manufacturer of its kind. With so many bicycle manufacturers all around you, there is no scarcity of varieties. Shop for one and you get to choose from many. But this one is different. The one displayed here can create plenty of envy for your neighbors. Well, the design and art of the bike is so compelling that you cannot blame them either.

Lagomorph Design‘s Black Walnut bike 4

This one has a wooden structure, as against the aluminum frames which many bicycles posses. It’s sleek and trendy look is just like the one which can be desired out of such a framework. The designer, Lagomorph has used American Black Walnut wood for making this bicycle. This wood has a unique feature of “stability and shock resistance” making it the manufacturer’s preferred choice among other comparable woods.

Lagomorph Design‘s Black Walnut bike 2

The added advantages however, are the beautiful colors it has and the ease of use while working with this wood. The hardwares have been carefully chosen to give long lasting maintenance free ride to the users. A good example displayed by the makers is the rust free chain of the bicycle.

With the current lifestyle displayed by us, it is of little that our health pays the toll every time. Cycling is said to be one of the preferred ways of maintaining your body flexibility. And when health is powered by a sleek booster like the Lagomorph designer bicycle, many can drop idleness out of the way. You are also being eco-friendly choosing this one.

While we may acquire a slow pace (comparatively as against using faster modes of transportation) by using bicycles, when we look at the other aspect of saving on pollution front, you would agree that we gain quite a lot. Although it may not be possible to opt for cycling always, even occasional pedaling can give your fitness a timely boost.

This fully functional bicycle gives a very smooth ride, credit going to the wood quality intact. If looks were worrying you from kick starting with a bicycle, this one can be worth a try. It comes with a price tag of $6000 (all parts inclusive). Lagomorph has also made this product available at a price of $3500 which can be consolidated individually, part wise. Finally, it boils down to the customer’s choice!

Via Inhabitat

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