Latex inspires student designers to weave magical couture

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Fashion knows no bounds. Sometimes, it conjures up the finest fabric to create kitschy and odious attires. Still, there are times when the basest stuff elevates it to the height of creativity. At this month’s Condom Fashion Show at the Western University’s Viking Union Multi-Purpose Room, some budding fashion designers will try to bring about the same as they plan to create magical couture with latex. Twenty-two designers and some representatives from the Associated Students Sexual Awareness Center will participate in the show.

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Nascent designers are hopeful of giving their best shot in morphing no less than 24,000 expired condoms – purchased from – into colorful apparel. However, certain glitches, like lubrication, washing and weaving holdups, make it a tiresome job for them. Moreover, the designers have to make sure that costumes are durable and they cover all private parts well.

If you want to see these dresses in person, be sure to attend the show on May 27. Click here to see more of such dresses.

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Via: WesternFrontOnline

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