Living without oil for three years…

patrick vanderwyden solar electric bike

Patrick Vanderwyden has been relying on alternative energy for three years. Almost all of his home equipment, such as his water heater, hot tub, air conditioner, fans and his refrigerator, employ solar power. His vehicles also have the same story to tell. A Chevrolet pickup truck with an electric motor, a collection of recycled bikes and an electric cycle: each of his transportation allies rely either on pedal or solar power. However, what inspires me most is his strange-looking bike that he created from spare parts.

Dubbed as Frankenbike, the contraption is powered by a treadmill motor connected to roof-mounted solar panels. Running at or above the top legal speed of 18 mph, his electric bike is an absolute treat to watch. All this has enabled him to reduce his energy consumption by nearly 30 percent last year.

What I do now has an effect on future generations. I don’t want to leave future generations with a real problem if I can help it. And I think I can.

patrick vanderwyden

patrick vanderwyden electric chevrolet pickup truc

Via: CNN

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