Local Sherpas to make world’s highest peak rubbish free

mount everest

A dream of many, some succeeded some did not. Well, I am talking about people who tried hard to stand on the top of the world’s highest peak. With lots of enthusiasm, excitement and joy what humanity brought to Mount Everest is trash. The new name for the mountain is the earth’s highest rubbish dump. Looking at the pitiable state of the Everest, local Sherpas have come together to retain its glory.

The things that are polluting the 8,848-meter summit include a jumble of Buddhist prayer flags, a metal tripod, left there by a 1992 American expedition re-surveying the height of Everest, discarded oxygen bottles, abandoned tents and other trash. As part of the third Eco Everest Expedition which aims to clear the mountain of rubbish, this cleaning-up initiative 10 high-altitude Sherpas will clear everything from the mountains, including bodies of fallen climbers. As many as 300 climbers have died facing strong storms in the peak.

Last year, a team of over 150 Sherpas succeeded in collecting 4,646.5kg of rubbish under the Cash for Trash programme. This year the Eco Everest team is looking forward to collect 6,000kg of garbage from Camp 2 and 6,000kg from Camp 2. The Eco Everest team certainly needs to be applauded for their green effort.

Via: IrishTimes

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