Meals Without Menace — Observing Eco-Friendly Eating Habits

Meals Without Menace Observing Eco-Friendly Eating Habits


Many people are now starting to think more carefully about where their food comes from and the impact it has on the world around them. For those who are concerned about the environment, this is particularly relevant; fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do not only to improve your diet, but to help protect the environment, too. Making sure your kitchen is well stocked up with the necessary cookery tools – blenders, pots, pans and cutlery all being must-have items – will ensure that your diet stays exciting!

Food from your area

One of the basic ways to reduce the negative environmental impact of your diet is to focus on local produce. By reducing the distance food is shipped, you’ll cut the level of carbon emissions produced significantly. Buying from local producers also supports the local economy, and in closer-knit communities, you may even find you know who’s delivered the produce to your store. You can find out how the food has been grown and rest assured there have been less additives or pesticides used, too.

Including local meat in your diet will reduce transport damage, and farms that sell to local markets generally have higher welfare standards for their animals, since they know their customers may visit. This can lead to higher prices, particularly for organic meat, but it’s certainly a price worth paying, not to mention a way to reduce the meat intake in your diet —buy less, but buy well, though shifting your diet towards the vegetarian side of the scale is an option to be considered, too.

Basic foods, gourmet methods

A diet that is based on locally-grown vegetables and fruit is likely to cause the least environmental damage. It’s also the way of eating most compatible with good health, and it’s anything less than boring! Modern food preparation equipment makes it easy to be creative with even basic ingredients.

Take a tip from top vegetarian chefs, who use their blenders to whip up pestos from local greens and nuts, batch cook and can tomato sauces when tomatoes are in season, and make delicious mushroom or nut gravies to moisten and flavor a whole range of foods. Investing in some flavorings from further afield to help you get the best out of your local produce is also a wise use of resources.

Benefits for you, benefits for the earth

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By buying and using local produce, you’re likely to reduce packaging and waste. This is good for the environment and for your pocket. Being mindful of the food which you use means that you’re likely to get the most out of every dollar you spend on it. Being creative in your cooking techniques to get the best from seasonal items will also lead you towards a more balanced diet; adding some of the season’s glut of courgettes to cakes to make them healthier, or whizzing up vegetable smoothies to use the last of a batch of produce can only help improve your diet.

Every little bit helps when it comes to saving the planet. Taking the measures above won’t just make the environment that little bit healthier, but your own health will

benefit too into the bargain. That’s worth working for, wouldn’t you agree?


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