Michael Bingham’s artistic musical instrument made out of junk

Artist displays recycled treasure at Summerfest

Michael Bingham, an art teacher, has proved that it takes a little bit of awareness, love for art and music to create some innovative pieces out of junk. This is precisely what he did when he and his son went out on a junk collecting spree and put together all the pieces to create an instrument that not only lets out a unique and melodic sound but is equally amazing to look at – given Bingham’s artistic talent!

It is important to reuse and recycle and as they say charity first begins from home – therefore, many things such as umbrella bottoms, plastic-ware, broken tables can also serve a purpose and be given a new lease of life. Transforming old junk into artistic creations that serve a purpose is creative excellence and a strong endeavor to protect our earth from pollution. It is important to segregate our junk/trash into various components like wet waste, dry waste, e-waste, wood scrap, plastic waste etc. and give them away to NGOs that can put them to better use – rather than dumping them altogether in dumps and junkyards.

Michael Bingham’s ‘sound sculpture’ (as he chooses to call it) is nothing but an amalgamation of various ‘throw away’ pieces such as an umbrella base, kitchen bowls, legs of a table etc. which put together in an innovative manner has managed to be an aesthetic musical instrument which can be played with drumsticks as well as by hand. Michael Bingham’s ‘sound sculpture’ is on display at the Summerfest and is being appreciated by all not only because of its intriguing form but also because it provides encouragement to recycle!

Via: HJNews

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