Micro world-Kyoto capsule: Innovation in architecture

The Kyoto Capsule or the capsule hotel is the new architectural innovation of Japan. This design was inspired by traditional Japanese architectural designs.

However, this design is rather unique in its own might. To say, the design is mainly focused around inward-facing gardens. However, concept of inward-facing garden is not new in Japan, it is the distinguishing features that make it stand out from the others. They have been mentioned in the following lines:

Kyoto Capsule

In general, building a certain volume is occupied by the rooms, as defined by the floor space, roof and walls. However, this design focuses on two aspects. First, to reduce the volume of enclosure. And secondly, substitute the cold, non-living walls made of bricks, with thriving and breathing plants. This will not only reduce the building costs, but also enhance the quality of living. The health of the occupants will be highly improved, as they will be constantly receiving fresh charge of oxygen. Also, the compounds present within the plants will keep the ambience cool, thus eliminating the use of air-conditioners. In short, you will be provided with the following benefits with this type of architecture:

  1. Economical building construction.
  2. Pure and health ambience.
  3. Environment-friendly living.

It is said that picture conveys multitude of information than verbal communication. So, have a visit to the following gallery and see for yourself and get assured that the claims made in the article are authentic.

As you have seen, the rooms are made in the shape of tiny pods or capsule. This is highly required in today’s age, as the number of people living per unit area of land is booming. Hence, with this type of architecture, more people can be accommodated.

It is not only for living, but this structure can be used for varied other purposes also.

The list shows its applicability:

  1. As a restaurant.
  2. As a place to rest.
  3. As a conference room.

Thus, revolutionary designs like these will go a long way in benefiting the world as a whole.

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