Mike Tyson endorses benefits of being vegan

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Only when celebrities endorse, we start to follow things in our life. Mike Tyson, the famous American Boxer, is endorsing how being a vegan can benefit you, if you really get down to the nitty-gritty of it. Well, of course, being natural is the way to go for animals are a part of nature and should be well preserved in order to maintain the perfect harmony between man and nature.

Recently, Mike was seen on a Hollywood Billboard holding and kissing a dove, with the line ‘Love Animals, Don’t eat them’ written boldly on the top. It’s a very humble gesture on the 44 year old’s part to finally have come up with something like this. It’s not very often you get to see such kind of eco friendly ads, especially ones where benefits of being a vegan are being mentioned so perfectly.

In the ensuing interview with Fox’s Greta Van Susteren last night, Tyson mentioned that he has been a vegan for the past two years and is now a much happier soul, thanks to his decision. He even practices what he preaches. To prove his point, he has a bunch of beautiful pigeons, all of them in different colors. While he feeds them and takes care of them, he feels an unending bond with the birds. Planning to release them soon, he mentioned that the birds keep coming back all the time. Guess this is what love is all about.

On being questioned about who makes the vegan meals for him, he proudly smiled and said, “My wife.” After he realized all the damage the drugs and processed food had done to him for all these years, he decided to switch ways and become a vegan. Preserve Nature in all its entirety and it would give back to you manifold. His wife makes his vegan meals, while sometimes she herself still indulges in eating red meat and fish. Asking if Tyson was all right with that fact, he coyly replied, sometimes, even she is on a vegan spree, though, only when she has to lose weight.

So all in all, it’s a good gesture on the celebrity’s part to use his societal status and position for the betterment of society and for endorsing something which can be a boon not for one, but for many.

Via: Ecorazzi

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