Nature Guide

10 most disturbing effects of global warming on animals

One of the most life-threatening environmental problems is the global warming. Global warming talks and articles seem to flood the magazines and internet. This is no false alarm since we are witnessing the ravaging effects of global warming on the environ

5 plant species facing threat due to climate change

Global warming and climatic change have not only threatened the existence of mankind, but have had an equally devastating effect on plant and animal life. Plants, which are basis to human life, are under serious threat. Nearly one fifth of the plant speci

7 most deadliest lakes on our planet

Earth conceals thousands of miracles within. Many are out of human reach. Lakes are known to be one of the most beautiful natural wonders but wait… are they always beautiful? There are some lakes which are considered deadly, even though with its stunnin

5 Most beautiful forests of China

China, one of the world’s oldest civilizations, is famous for its cuisine, diverse traditions and rituals, and is also among the top travel destinations in the world. One more thing that adds a spark to the country’s glory are its beautiful forests. W

7 Stunning swamps on our planet

Swamps are as much part of the ecological systems as are mountains, rivers, deserts, etc. and they support unfathomable life forms. We might not realize the primeness of existence of alien life forms that go past us for we don’t belong in their world. T

5 most exciting species discovered recently

Most of us know about various species that are facing annihilation. But, you may be surprised to know that the planet still has a lot of new and yet to discover species all over. Most of them have peculiar shapes and sizes. They have certain peculiar char

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