New City Farm offers healthy environment for green education

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Imparting knowledge related to curriculum is not enough. Giving important lessons about the environment and nutrition and offering hands-on experience using nature as an educational tool is what our environment and society demands. Studio One Eleven is busy designing a new urban farm at Long Beach as an extension of the New City School. The project includes large outdoor rooms where students study an array of subjects.

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Designed in collaboration with landscape architect David Sabunas, the farm aims to enhance studies using garden-based learning. There is also room for a flower and vegetable garden, orchard, farm stand, green house, and a chicken coop. Healthy food will be cooked and served to the children under a very friendly and natural environment.

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Two shipping container were repurposed to provide the shell for a produce market. The architects have also arranged for the installation of oversized flower shaped photovoltaic panels that are capable of generating 90 watts continuously for the farm. The farm will provide the opportunity to help kids make healthy choices at school and at home.

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Via: ArchDaily

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