Nokia puts reused phones to best use, makes a robot

Nokia's Robot

What best use do you think your used mobiles can be of? Any guesses? I asked this question to many of my friends and the answers that poured were like give to kids for playing, use as a dummy phone to flaunt (if it is an expensive one), etc. Nobody could come up with a useful idea. Well, now Nokia has come up with a useful idea and has executed it beautifully in the form of making a robot from used mobiles only.

The robot is an inanimate one and hence does not move or make sounds but the sheer sight of a sitting robot in the shop of a window made entirely from mobile phones is a treat to watch for most of the people, passing by the shop. The robot was made from the mobiles as part of a scheme in Beijing, where passer by people could exchange their used phones for movie tickets. The purpose was to collect used phones and put them for recycling. The company ensured that direct reuse will not happen.

The idea was an instant hit as people got hooked up with the site of a robot sitting calmly on a bench and reading a book. The robot was of special interest for children and toddlers, who were quite amused with a man all made up of the “toy” they had thrown many times at home.

Nokia has always maintained its high standards and Nokia phones have frequently topped the list of “greenest phones” of the industry based on the parameters of health, environment, and social impact. Nokia C6 still holds the top position and other Nokia products are also in top line. Hats off to Nokia for being innovative and green.

Via: Mobot/ChinaDaily

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