Old timber from demolished Australian bridge recycled to make tables

triton woodworkers club

Resurrecting the remnants of the historic Hopkins River Bridge, woodworkers from the Warrnambool Triton Woodworkers Inc. have transformed the old timber into five tables. While some of it has earlier been used to make a new fishing jetty near Proudfoots restaurant, the remains of the only surviving 19th century truss-type bridge have now become fine furniture. The esteemed clients include the Council Chamber, Flagstaff Hill and the Maritime Museum.

John O’Brien, member of the Woodworkers Club, says…

We’re always looking for free timber to do things with. We thought we might be able to use it for the pavilion at the Japanese Garden but it wasn’t suitable for the project so we offered to make it into tables… We’re pleased the old wood has found a new use and show people you can make nice furniture out of an old bridge.

The woodworkers at the club took almost six months to furnish a reporters’ table, a new table for the foyer, a side table and two small occasional tables.

Via: The Standard

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