Olgga Architects gears up to build a sustainable Athletic Center

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The under construction Athletic Center in the Basroch neighborhood of Grande Synthe, France is what many people have set their eyes and hopes on. Olgga Architects, the creative minds behind the structure have paid special heed to sustainability. The new recreational infrastructure where you could enjoy the game of rugby, soccer, cycling and archery will be made as green as possible.

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The Athletic Center is a carved monolithic building with rugby, soccer facilities and administrative offices at the base and hollowed out parallelogram, accommodating bleachers and club houses flaunt spacious covered terrace. It will boast green credentials like solar panels for over 40% of hot water heating, 10800sf of photovoltaic membranes on the roof to address peak electricity demands, a retaining pond and water treatment locale for internal consumption and Utilization of post-consumer and recyclable materials for façades. For the protection of the clubhouses, a double skin system that is composed of glass panels, interstitial space and stretch-mounted fabrics is installed.

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Via: Archdaily

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