Pedal-Powered food processor stores conveniently in gorgeous wooden frame

christoph thetards eco friendly food processor con

The food processor is the most used appliance in any kitchen, but have you ever thought of its impact on Mother Nature? In an attempt to combat climate change by reducing the carbon footprint of everyday products, a student designer has a built multi-use, foot-pedal-powered kitchen appliance. Christoph Thetard‘s eco-friendly food processor concept consists of different attachments like a coffee grinder, blender and kitchen machine.

christoph thetards eco friendly food processor con

This innovative kitchen appliance handles most casual kitchen tasks efficiently, thanks to the huge pedal-powered flywheel mounted inside a tastefully finished wooden case. Thetard claims pedaling the flywheel at 400rpm will generate 350 watts of power per minute, lowering your electric bill. So ditching the plastic-and-electric appliances and switching to wooden framed eco-aware design philosophy is truly admirable.

christoph thetards eco friendly food processor con

christoph thetards eco friendly food processor con

christoph thetards eco friendly food processor con

christoph thetards eco friendly food processor con

christoph thetards eco friendly food processor con

christoph thetards eco friendly food processor con

christoph thetards eco friendly food processor con

Via: Fast Co. Design

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