Pentair designs a rainwater recycling system for Minnesota Twins

target field

Minnesota Twins, an American professional baseball team announced yesterday that it will include a rainwater recycling system for its new stadium. Pentair, a Minnesota-based tech company that specializes in part on water treatment and storage has designed the system for the stadium. The rainwater recycling system will collect, filter and purify rainwater so that it can be brought into use at Target Field.

Every inch of ballpark’s seven acres will provide water to the system for purification and will be stored in a cistern buried deep in the ground under the outfield. The graywater will be utilized for irrigating the fields and washing the stands. The water that is a result of the system’s filtration and purification process is expected to be equally clean as the water that runs through your taps at home.

Not only is the company providing rainwater recycling system, but also offers its tap water filtration system for stadium’s spectator suites, administrative offices, and training facilities for players. This additional system has been installed to bring awareness amongst visitors and to promote tap water drinking so that less bottled water is used. This effort will bring down the use of municipal water by about 2 million gallons annually.

Via: Cnet

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