Pinha: Get the power to personalize your own lamp on a cork lighting base


If I ask you what functions a cork solves, I can bet most of you will say it is used to make wine bottle stoppers. Wine bottles is what cork has been associated for years though it does find usage in making baseballs, cricket balls, bricks, life preserves, floats, etc. Cork is extracted from cork oak (Quercus sufoer). It is a light resilient material that is perfect for carving various things. It can act as a perfect raw material and the best part being, cork hardly requires any processing before putting it to use. Exploiting the properties of this impermeable and buoyant material further is Raw Edges which has carved a lighting base with three tiers called Pinha.

The unique lighting base will endow users with the flexibility to pin paper shades of their choice whenever they desire. The three tiers permit the user to keep control on the amount of light required and its direction as well. Pinha will kill all monotony and added expenditure when it comes to lighting your spaces.

Normally when you get bored of the same lampshade or source of light the only thought that comes to add newness to the place is replacing the old with new. But Pinha will make sure you never get bored. Simply cut your favorite colored sheet in the desired shape and size, drape it around Pinha and lock it with a cute pushpin. How easy and fun, isn’t it? So, in short you have full control over Pinha and it will dictate your personality as it comes with the flexibility to personalize it. The lamp base is 100% natural, lightweight, easy to install, biodegradable and hence, pledges to protect the environment.

According to Raw Edges,

This hanging lamp consists of a cork outer fixture to which a printed-paper shade is fastened. You have the last word on how Pinha looks, by choosing the shade from among different patterns and drawings. Function-wise, you can also decide on the direction and range of the light, according to where the shade is pinned.

Pinha will be exhibited at Spazio San Marco, Via San Marco 38, Brera, Milano till 17 April. So, if you stay in Milan don’t miss this opportunity of seeing how you can get a multiple lamp in the form of Pinha and save money.

Via: inhabitat

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