Pure Washer: Let eco automatic sink do your dirty dishes

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After enjoying a lavish lip-smacking meal, doing the dishes is the last thing anyone would want to do. What if you had something that would do the cleaning act for you? Well, the Pure Washer – Eco Automatic Sink promises just that. Brainchild of AHHA Project, this innovative sink utilizes a washing technique that is eco-sensitive.

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The ingenious concept comprises of two rotatable parts. The first part of the sink is where you put the dishes and it rotates away under the counter to wash them, while the second one is a mirror image to the first and is ready to take in your next cycle. This space-saving sink requires minimal resources required, based on the space occupied by the dishes in the chamber. Not only does it gives you shinny clean dishes, but it also washes fruits and vegetables.

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Via: YankoDesign

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