Ready to Renovate Your Home? How About Going Green?


Most homeowners are making great strides to adopt a greener way of life. While recycling and replacing lightbulbs with greener options are excellent starting points, there are a number of things that you can do to make your home eco-friendly. If your dwelling is ready for some much needed updating, you’re sure to find the following tidbits helpful in giving your home a much needed lift and making the world a kinder and gentler place to live.

Choose Reclaimed

It’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of home renovating. However, you don’t need the shiniest and state-of-the-art products on the market to have a good home. If you’re looking to go green, you want to consider where your materials have come from. Whether it’s from a piece of antique furniture, an old barn, warehouse or factory, reclaimed wood can be used in your flooring, counter-tops, walls and furniture. In addition to saving money and time, your home will have unique charm and character by reusing the various pieces throughout your house.

Don’t Demolish

If you’re renovation consists of tearing down portions of your walls or entire rooms, you need to take a walk-through first. This allows you to determine what is salvageable and what you don’t have room for. Important things to look at include flooring, lighting fixtures, bricks, molding, cabinets and tiles. If you don’t have room in your home for the various items, you can probably find a place that will recycle the items for other homeowners and builders to use. Instead of the items littering the landfills, they can find shelter with another family. You can also assess whether the items can be used in another room such as the basement, bedroom great room or man cave.

Incorporate Energy-Efficiency

When you’re ready to shop for appliances, heating units, hot water heaters and more, look for the products that focus on energy efficiency. To help in the process, look for the Energy Star markings on the items. You can also help the environment and cut down on energy and utility costs when you have a licensed plumber install low-flow shower heads, toilets and other plumbing fixtures. Hot water heaters, heating units and air conditioners are also areas where you can go green. Before you begin your project, it pays to do some research into the best energy efficient products currently on the market and what they can do for you.

Non-Toxic Paints

A fresh coat of paint can give your home a dramatically new look. However, many paints are full of toxins that can harm both your family and planet. Look for the low VOC varieties as they are odorless, splatter resistant and 100 percent acrylic. Some brands even offer their very own green options for consumers today.

Choose VOC Free Paints

Top Eco-Friendly Materials

Choosing eco-friendly materials can be difficult, especially when you’re a novice to going green. However renewable products such as bamboo floors are great options because it matures in approximately three years as opposed to oak which takes over a century. Other dynamic options for your renovation include recycled glass countertops made from bottles and jars can give your home a luxurious feel without the waste in engineering the products. Cork floorings are also sustainable and mold, moisture and fire resistant choices that can improve the look of your home without harming the environment.

Heat and Lighten Your Home with Solar Energy

Homeowners are beginning to realize the importance of solar energy when they’re looking to remodel their homes. They can also have a cost-effective impact when it comes to your utility bills. Solar panels and skylights strategically placed can lessen your home’s energy costs. You can also add solar lighting for your electronic gear and to light up the inside and outside of your home. Useable in any climate, you can also use a solar water heater to generate hot water for the entire family.


Article Submitted By Community Writer


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