Researchers decide on making earth’s neighbouring sheet of space debrisless

Space junk

It is no wonder at least for the current three generations to see pollution levels continuously emulsify in the earth’s atmosphere, but it is certainly wondrous that mankind has not pardoned even space to put its selfish motives into play. Today, it has become acceptable to hear some saintly soul lamenting about industrialization’s impact on the equilibrium of the nature, which has taken billions of years to attain stability. Now, we are exposed to the impact of human intelligence on space, which according to Einstein, was formed even when time was not existent.

Now, it is good that we are becoming aware of the harm that we have done to our home. The same applies to space pollution. It is reflected from the step that researchers of the Italian Space Agency have taken in this direction. They have proposed to launch a craft into the space that would have a propellant kit at its nose. This space monitor is supposed to push large pieces of space junk into the earth’s atmosphere where they will be banished due to the frictional effect of the dense atmosphere of the earth.

It is shocking to know that there are millions of pieces of floating debris in the earth’s neighboring space area, out of which almost 20,000 are detected in the lower orbit of the planet. It is a trauma because in the future, this rubbish could amount a fortune. It could result in Kessler Syndrome, a term used to define the situation when it would be impossible to enter the distant space because we would not be able to cross the layer of junk and hence, would be trapped inside our own planet. Keeping in mind the grave natural conditions on the earth, it is not affordable.

Another reason to adopt the idea is that the chances of space clashes are increasing; let us not forget the deadly accident between Iridium 33 and Kosmos 2251. Both these vehicles collided at 3000mps. This guinea pig vehicle is expected to remove 5 to 10 objects from the space, which is a considerably small figure.

Yet, the thing to rejoice is that at least something has started to take a real form of action and we might find out that the earth has truly become a truly great place to live in.

Via: Dailymail

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