
Antarctic sub-glacial lakes found connected by network of rivers

A new discovery about the Antarctic has smashed the age-old thought that sub-glacial lakes had been completely sealed for millions of years, and it enables evolution of unique species in them. The buried lakes of Antarctica are surprisingly found to be…

US FWS to review 70 Pacific region species status

There are several endangered species that go unprotected, and eventually disappear. On these lines, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will review the status of 70 animals and plants.

If these species need protection under the federal Endangered…

Cook Inlet Beluga Whales Declining: Scientists Worried

Unlike in the 1970s, the huge number of beluga whales in Cook Inlet no longer delights locals and tourists alike. Last year, the number has dwindled to just 278, as estimated last year. But, what is leading to this disappearance of the whales left the…

Farmers Sue USDA Over GMO Alfalfa

The U.S. government has approved a biotech alfalfa that — according to critics — will spell havoc for farmers and the environment. A coalition of farmers, consumers and environmental activists Thursday sued the government for the approval.


Can Nuclear Power Actually Tackle Climate Change?

According to leading experts new nuclear power stations would do little to combat climate change. An expert has hit out at what he calls the “abysmal” standard of debate on the issue in the UK.

Claims that nuclear power was the only way for…

Q#5: What is There Beyond Kyoto?

189 nations meet in Montreal to discuss how to combat global warming. The 10-day UN Climate Control Conference is considered the most important gathering on global warming since Kyoto, bringing together thousands of experts from 180 nations to…

US Adduces Protections for Jeopardized Right Whales

Pacific right whales are in the brink of extinction. The mammals are the most endangered large whales in the world, with no more than 100 believed to exist, as the Reuters reported. With this concern, some of the world’s last right whales in the Bering…

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