Rippling aurora of red and green lightens up the northern skies

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‘Watch out for the sky’ is the newest catchphrase raging across parts of North America urging people to catch a glimpse of an incredible celestial display called the Aurora Borealis. In a major earth directed solar eruption in quite some time now the sun’s surface exploded and blasted tons of plasma into interplanetary space. These solar particles stream towards the earth’s magnetic fields creating a geomagnetic storm.

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On their sojourn towards the poles the solar particles collide with nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the atmosphere, to glow like miniature neon signs. Normally visible at high latitudes if pulled by solar storms the aurora can light up the sky at lower latitudes as well. Sky gazers keep looking for the northern lights in their bright rippling curtains of green and red.

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Via: DailyMail

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