Rippling dune sculpture of 65,000 CDs woos crowds in Paris


You might have heard of sand dunes and fantasized seeing them as well. Nevertheless, what will your reaction be if you are told about dunes made and covered by CD’s? Artist Elise Morin and architect Clémence Eliard have transformed 65,000 doomed CD’s and converted them into pieces of utmost beauty. Creating an undulating piece of sculpture, they have both managed to convert their only raw material, i.e. CDs, into something that has been envied by not one but many in Paris.

The impending doom of 65000 CDs has been converted into a sculpture with immeasurable beauty and poise. The two men have patiently woven the CD’s into a fabric and further draped it over plastic mounds. The effect is not only something unique, but something that is extremely shiny, giving off a metallic glint. The sculpture has been displayed at the Le Centquatre in Paris where it is wooing the crowds with its untimely creativity and sheer uniqueness.

The designers have endless offers to display their work of art in multiple places, yet it is for them to decide how and when their little artwork is going to recreate magic in a sophisticated way. The design may be simple and sober, but for the creators it is like their little baby, which has been given a new lease on life.

Via: Fastcodesign

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