Save Oceans: Go Green the Blue way!

ocean plastics

You must have seen uniquely cool way to keep the Earth Day celebrations going. Keeping the spirit of Earth Day high even a day after the green initiative, we at GreenDairy wish to share a video with you in an attempt to save our oceans. Try going BLUE to go GREEN! Our Oceans deserve some attention this year! TakePart and SaveMyOceans bring the video called to-action for all the plastic users of the world to you. Every piece of plastic ever made still exists today, and much of this plastic has traveled from our hands to our oceans. With the Earth Day release of DisneyNature’s Oceans, it’s the perfect time for all of us to consider how our dependency on plastic is hurting our global body of water. So, I appeal to each Earth Lover to use less plastic and join the Blue movement by sign the plastic pledge at

Thanks: Carrie Alling

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