Scientists develop bio-paint that regulates temperature

roof bio coating1

You have already seen temperature-control roofs. By simply painting the roof white, you can keep your house cool, while painting them dark would absorb heat, giving you a cozy dwelling. But, what if there was something that could do both? Well, a team of scientists has come up with a “bio-coating” for the roofs that is capable of regulating temperature in hot as well as cold weather. What is even more remarkable is the fact that this magical coating is made from waste cooking oil from greasy foods.

The pioneering discovery by team led by scientist Ben Wen, Ph.D. of United Environment & Energy LLC in Horsehead, New York has unique chemical properties that allow it to reflect light in the summer and retain heat in winter. Not only is the bio-coating non-toxic, unscented and non-flammable, but can also be developed in any color from clear to black. The coating that is produced by processing waste cooking oil into a liquid polymer could reduce both heating and cooling costs, as it can be manipulated according to the external environment. In addition to bringing the waste oil into use, it will also help save fuel and electricity and reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds from petroleum-based roofing products.

Via: Inhabitat

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