Shawn Smith’s digital art blends nature with technology

shawn smiths digital art

Dallas-based artist Shawn Smith has a special knack for creating awesome digital sculptures from man-made composites and recycled materials. His whimsical sculptures, which he lovingly calls Re-things, represent pixilated animals and objects of nature. He finds images of his subjects online and then converts these 3D sculptural representations into 2D images.

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Artist Statement:

My work investigates the slippery intersection between the digital world and reality. Specifically, I am interested in how we experience nature through a television or a computer screen. Readily available images make us believe that we “know” these natural objects but we really only identify patterns of pixilated light.

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Created from balsa wood, ink, acrylic and found objects, his sculptures could be seen at Craighead Green Gallery in Dallas and d. berman gallery in Austin.

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Via: Design Aside

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