Solar panel garage doors might change the future of EVs

solar panel garage doors

With the world drifting towards a sustainable future, hybrid cars can be seen becoming the preferred choice for many eco-conscious. But, we are yet to see that popularity graph go up for all-electric cars. The major reason for hybrids having an upper hand than EV is that hybrids use electric motors for low speed, but when one wishes to beat the wind, the regular gas engine provides the power.

In an attempt to replace the hybrids with all-electric cars Chevy is gearing up to launch its Volt, a plug-in electric vehicle that drive at least 40 miles on pure electricity. Clearly, if the vehicle is a hit then the need for electricity will automatically increase. Using renewable energy is a better option. So, how about having a solar panel garage door? Sounds interesting right! This green door juices in sun’s energy the entire day and stores it in batteries to recharge your cars for the next day. It a clean, efficient and sustainable way showing way to emission free drive.

Via: GreenBuildingElements

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