Steath 2 eyes Shell Eco Marathon Asia with its fuel-efficient car concept

vehicle steath

Students at Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology, India have designed and built an eco-friendly car concept. The team called “Steath 2” unveiled the vehicle Stealth in Chandigarh yesterday. The fuel-efficient car will be seen giving a tough competition to 90 teams from 12 countries participating in the Shell Eco Marathon Asia to be held in Kuala Lumpur from July 8 to July 10, 2010. The team has qualified to participate in the competition that is based on sustainable mobility and design.

Stealth 2 have associated with Autodesk, their Chief Design Partner, who provided the software to the institute as well as access to expert training for the team in the development of their car. Last year at Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2009, the Team Stealth recorded mileage of 163kmpl. The team has worked on improving their eco car’s performance and claims that it now gives a mileage of 200 kilometers per liter.

The Shell Eco Marathon Asia comprises of two parts that are ‘The Autodesk Innovative Car Design Challenge’ and ‘Sustainable Mobility Challenge’, which means driving the longest distance using a limited amount of fuel. The team is confident of winning the completion and bringing pride to the nation.

Via: IndianExpress/Motoroids

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