Surfboard made of recycled beer cans invites you to a green ride on waves

Beer Can Surfboard

Surf’s away…You would be singing this once you see how creatively the beer can surfboard has been made. Richard Quinn Morrison, the designer for this amazing product, met with an accident recently after which he decided to satisfy his creative urge. In doing so, he designed this 6’2” fish beer channelled bottom surfboard.

Using the discarded beer cans as material for his surfboard, he has been able to redesign the surfboard according to his needs, whims and fancies. The board has been made by using 72 beer cans, all from six different brands, and using a pair of wood stringers to steady the board, he has been able to master the surfs.

The board, in its entirety, is a unique masterpiece, with the cans neatly embedded in the wake, and the board’s design an eye stunner. Morrison often hangs out with his buddies, while riding out the surf with his beer can surfboard.

Of course, the fact that you should not drink while you surf stands nullified once this concept is played in full.

Via: SurferToday

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