The Banshee Model is an eco-friendly art form inspired by Star craft 2

banshee 2

Video games are very addictive and if someone gets hooked to them, believe me it’s almost impossible to get them off it. A Korean artist named Constable, got so attracted to a military sci-fi video game, named Star craft 2, that he crafted life-like models just like the characters in it.

One of Constable’s paper forms has been named the Banshee Model. The artist has crafted awe-inspiring art forms using nothing but paper. Measuring 30 cm in length, the Banshee Model is one of the various eco-friendly sculpts that he has made.

The Artist:

The Banshee Model has been conceived by an artist from Korea named Constable. The artist fell in love with Star craft 2 (a video game), which triggered him to fashion environment friendly characters from the game using paper.

The Inspiration:

Constable’s love for a video game, named Starcraft 2, stirred his thought process to make realistic models. He has crafted these models, which look like pieces directly out of the game, using paper. The game hit the markets in July last year, which left the artist heavily inspired and gave birth to the Banshee Model.

The Material:

When using plain paper, we hardly assess the potential this humble sheet has. Constable managed to exploit paper and craft it into models which look exceptional. All the structuring has been done with paper and super glue was used to hold different parts, making it look like a single model.

The Artwork:

The eye-catching artwork is crafted using characters that are a part of the video game. Banshee model is 30 cm long and is the only one that has been completed till date. Other characters like Marauder, Immortal, Battle Cruiser, Wraith and Siege Tank are still in the process of completion, which might take some more time. Constable has used his personal outlines as a base to fashion all the models. To achieve the paper craft sculpts, he usually takes help of an emulator. The artist skillfully filters 3D models he needs while the game is played on the emulator. Paper has been given an artful life in the form of these eco-friendly forms.

Green Aspects:

You will notice that a lot of models, inspired from characters in a game, have been molded out of plastic. As we all know, plastic not only contaminates our beautiful surroundings but also adds to global warming. Excess usage can result in deteriorating conditions, which will make life complicated for our future generations. Also if plastic based models are given to children, it can lead to ailments because of their toxic nature. Models crafted from paper will make sure that children can play with them without any fear. Such art forms will also ensure that the environment remains clean and green.

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