The Tapehouse: An amazing structure built out of 7000 recycled cassettes

Many of us have fond memories of the erstwhile cassette player and our wonderful collection of cassette tapes that we took pride in. This is precisely what Emmett McNamara, a student of architecture at the Edinburg College of Art, had in mind when he proceeded to reuse cassettes into a creative form called a “Tapehouse” which was a temporary structure that he built out of 7000 tapes – truly a ‘green’ idea with a lot of sentimental value!

McNamara collected old cassettes from charity shops, friends and various cassette dealers in Manchester and managed to collect over 7000 cassettes. Then he went on to segregate them according to color and genre. He tied and connected these tapes using wire and zip ties (used in stores) to hook them together. Then he used scaffolding to form the frame structure of the Tapehouse over which the strips of the cassettes were attached. This challenging feat was completed last summer.

McNamara succeeded in building a structure out of waste material that is found in abundance – also evoking a sentimental value of a thing that has become derelict these days and putting it to good use.

Via: Inhabitat

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