Tips for an eco-friendly school

With the urgent need to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet , all of us should adopt eco-friendly practices and habits everywhere, be it at our home, workplace or even on our vacation. Our most important asset is our children so we should inculcate in them the same green practices and make them responsible citizens of a green future. And what can work better than to learn it at school, where they spend the maximum time for the day? Schools are adopting more and more such practices and teaching the children the nuances of being an eco-aware individual as well.


Tips for an eco-friendly school

1.Green location and building – When you think of the word ‘school’, the first and foremost thought that comes to the mind is of the building. When you are constructing the building, try from that moment onward to promote being eco-friendly. Go for eco-friendly décor, like floors made of recycled materials, like glass or ceilings made of green materials like wood. Keep natural lighting maximum by having high windows. Go for less toxic paints. Keep as many bins and containers in the school as possible and have a recycling unit .

2.Curriculum – The most important factor however, is to instill in the students a sense of responsibility about their environment and how they can promote eco-friendly in the society and in their daily lifestyle. Many schools are adopting a green curriculum wherein they teach students the policy of reduce, reuse and recycle besides science, math and language. Students should be taught simple habits like not wasting paper and using both sides of it, not to litter, etc. Teach the students the dangerous implications of global warming and fuel emissions. Students should also have activities like working on a plot of land and growing flowers and vegetables for some amount of time. This will build a healthy curiosity and interest in them regarding natural greenery . Make a compost heap of waste food and other things.

1515122383.Getting to school –  Schools should promote green transport by having the facility of school buses. Advise children to use shared transport and car-pooling with the neighbor’s children . If the children live close to the school, advise them to cycle or walk to school instead of using any other form of transport. It is a great exercise and is good for the environment as it reduces CO2 emissions .

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