Tips to Help You Become an Eco Friendly Traveler

Going out on vacation is quiet exciting and a lot of fun for everyone in the family. However, we need to reduce our carbon footprint while we travel and try to take measures, which are totally eco-friendly. If you are not sure how you can become an environment friendly traveler, then the following tips will guide you in the right direction.

 carry your own water bottle

Water Usage:

If you purchase water every day while on vacation, then it can lead to a pile of empty bottles after you leave and most probably get into landfills. In addition to it, health standards related to bottled water are not the same and in some countries, quality may differ from what you expect. If you are traveling within the US then you should know that testing standards are much stricter for tap water as compared to bottled water.

However, if you are going to another country then it would be much easier as well as healthier to treat the water yourself. All you will have to do is carry your own water bottle, purifier, iodine tablets and a filter. These will keep you safe from many of the water borne diseases as well as reduce the amount of trash in the form of bottles you generate.

Rechargeable Batteries:

Another major environmental pollutant is the disposable battery, as it tends to release toxic chemicals, which pollute underground water system. The better as well as more affordable option is to use rechargeable batteries and carry along your own charges as well as voltage converter plug. Another suggestion is to carry a charger, which gives quick charging option so that by the time you wake up in the morning, the battery should get fully charged. You also need to look for batteries that have Nickel Metal Hydride, as these batteries are more environmentally friendly.

 Do not Use Plastic Bags

Do not Use Plastic Bags:

As you may be aware of, plastic bags are one of the leading environment pollutants and it takes almost 500 years for one plastic bag to degrade. If you go to the local market for shopping in any tourist destination, make sure to use your own tote bag so that use of plastic bags can be reduced.

Sunscreens and Soaps:

There are many chemicals in the sunscreens we normally use and these tend to damage the coral reefs. Thus, it is important for you to use sunscreens, which are reef friendly. Similarly, when it comes to soaps, use a biodegradable and environment friendly ones. Such types of soaps have multipurpose application and can be used for laundry as well as bath.

 tourist at airport

Modes of Transportation:

You will have to check that you use the right mode of transportation right from the time leave for your vacation to reduce the carbon footprint you leave. Select an aircraft, which is known to have better fuel efficiency such as Airbus 345 or the Boeing 777. Similarly, while you travel at the new place try to make use of public transportation such as trains and buses, use bikes or walk as much as possible to explore the place. However, it becomes necessary to hire a car then make sure you hire smallest one, as bigger cars are gas-guzzlers. This way you will save the environment as well as some of your money.

Hotel Laundry:

As soon as you check in into your hotel, inform the reception that you want the towels and sheets in your room to be changed only every 3 days. It is a known fact that hotels utilize a lot of energy in laundry service plus chemicals from detergents released in the local water source results in increasing pollution.


We can make a lot of difference and help save the environment by taking certain steps while traveling.

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