UAE’s LAGI initiative combines art with clean energy generation

clean energy gulf uae
It is good news that the Gulf countries have finally begun to combine design aesthetics with clean energy generation. Under a project dubbed as the Land Art Generator Initiative a UAE couple hopes to bring together artists, architects, scientists and engineers to design and build a series of land installations that generate clean energy. An interesting Solar Eco System made its appearance at the International Design Competition held with an aim to invite ideas for public art on similar lines.

The Solar Eco System is an artistic interpretation of the solar system as well as an ideal symbol for the United Arab Emirates. The design uses installations equipped with solar photovoltaic panels to tap the solar energy to generate power. Another design visualizes solar panel embedded ribbon on its surface to generate as much as 4,592 megawatt hours of energy a year. The winning art installation is expected to power 500 homes besides continuously distributing clean energy into the electrical grid.

Via: GulfNews

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