Understanding why hand watering a garden is better than irrigation

A passionate gardener as it is enjoys hand watering his garden but some other people leave it on other irrigation options. Here is a rundown on some points that will convince you how efficient hand watering is and why you should be using it over other water wasting irrigation methods to water your small kitchen garden:

No water wastage

Smiling young woman watering flowers in the garden

Sprinklers that we see installed in big gardens and parks are especially designed for such big areas wherein it covers plants spread over and soaks them evenly. Some people get those sprinklers installed in their small sized gardens without any need and it keeps sprinkling unnecessarily huge amount of water. Hand watering is the best option available if you do not want water wastage to take place in your home.

No under or over watering

A woman's hand with water hose pours a green garden

Not all plants or crops in your kitchen garden demand equal amount of watering. Every crop having different water requirements calls for hand watering, as it allows you to provide tailored watering to all the plants and crops. Correct watering, i.e. no under or over watering, helps plants grow better and results in productive harvests.

Over watering, washes away all the nutrients and fertilizers, and under watering, deprives the plant and makes it weak. Freshly sown plants demand light watering and old ones demand deep watering, so hand watering seems to be an ideal method that waters plants strictly in accordance to their demands.

Prevents fungal diseases

Woman watering rose plant with watering pot

Different plants have different structures, and different watering requirements. For instance, plants that have large leaves, you cannot water them from top, or else the leaves will fall flat and interfere with its beauty. You water such plants from beneath, water directly reaching the roots without affecting the leaves and the stem, and hand watering is the only option that makes this possible.

Other delicate crops have moisture-related problems that over watering could trigger. If you hand water such plants, you can save them from fungal diseases, save their life, and can continue having those beautiful crops in your garden. Some plants have lower foliages that catch fungal diseases easily, so ensure you water them using your hands every time.

Makes you spend time with your plants

Girl and granny watering flowers in garden

For a moment forget all other benefits of hand watering plants in your kitchen garden, now one benefit and advantage that might come in your head is that they offer opportunity to you to spend a great deal of time with your plants. However, to understand its value can be very difficult for you if you are not an avid gardener. Spending time in your garden, watching plants blooming gives tremendous joy to soul, and it offers you a chance to get to know plants in a better way.

Enables you to timely spot plant issues

Image of careful female watering green sprout outside

Walking through your kitchen garden and spending time with plants take you much closer to them. So closer that you can timely trace serious issues on time and prevent them from falling prey to the attack of fungi and microbial attacks. Besides saving your plants from diseases, you can also save them from minor problems a stem demanding some support because it is too weak to withstand the weight of its leaves, flowers, or the vegetables, and like.

Portable sprinkler or a garden hose are the options people widely use to water their garden but still hand watering manage to steal the show from an environmentally friendly and plant health point of view.

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