Vintage computer parts recycled into gorgeous timepieces

1960s ibm disk wall clock 1

Blending technology and ecology together to give you one-of-a-kind clock ticking on your wall is TEcoArt, a name known to give interesting clocks and art pieces from things that would end up in landfills. Coming from the house, this time is the 1960s IBM Disk Wall Clock that is made from recycled, vintage computer components. The disk platter of this clock comes from a disk pack used in the early 1960s on IBM 2311 Disk Drives.

1960s ibm disk wall clock 2

What really caught my eye is a plexi-glass placed in the center that holds comparison of this vintage platter’s storage capability versus today’s platter. With 14″ diameter and 1/8″ raised golden clock numbers mounted on circuit board, this beauty comes with an artist signed and numbered Certificate of Authenticity. These rare pieces of art are just perfect to revive new life any dwelling and no two clocks are the same.

1960s ibm disk wall clock 3

1960s ibm disk wall clock 4

Via: Etsy

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