Wilkinson Eyre’s green Tesco development wins planning permission

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After a heated six-hour meeting, Wilkinson Eyre’s controversial Tesco development for Sheringham in Norfolk has finally won planning permission. Defeating its rivals the Norwich-based LSI Architects, who proposed a Waitrose-led eco supermarket scheme, the winners envisioned a new development that comes draped in sustainability. The project will feature wall-cladding made from hemp and recycled construction materials.

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The Wilkinson Eyre’s 1,175sqm scheme has room for a food academy and training restaurant. The crisscross glass entrance canopy and a pedestrian plaza will warmly welcome the visitors. LSI’s scheme too looked quite promising, but was rejected because the North Norfolk District Council felt there was a need for only one supermarket. The committee voted 8-7 in favor of the application by Tesco, concluding with the chairman’s casting vote. The Wilkinson Eyre proposal was accepted because it conformed with national and local planning policy, and held the potential to benefit the town.

Via: Bdonline

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