Wind-powered artful structures create a scintillating view

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The 2010 Land Art Generator Initiative Design Competition now sounds quite synonymous with words like art, innovation, green technology and ingenious design. Amalgamating all of these is the design submitted by designers Maria José Zapiain Gonzalez and Rodrigo Segura. Designed for Site #2 in Abu Dhabi, between Saadiyat Island and Yas Island, the design proposes the installation of a set of structures made of thousands of small electrical generator windmills.

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These unique structures are placed in a way that they can be seen as shiny pieces of art from a distance. They create different patterns of light that are basically formed by sun’s reflection during the day and illuminating lights at night. Apart from the scintillating view that this installation provides, it also generates clean energy. The windmills generate electricity that can be directed into the grid and distributed to the city.

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Via: LandArtGenerator

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