World’s most expensive shed takes you closer to Swiss Alps

worlds most expensive shed walig hut 1

‘Back to Nature’ was the revolutionary call that led the Romantics to find solace in the lap of Mother Nature. Now a couple of centuries later, a farm hut, situated some 5,000ft up a mountain in Gstaad, seeks to revive the same call, but with a green difference. A farmer built the Walig Hut in 1786, which was later owned by the Gstaad Palace. Running cold water, basic sink, solar-powered electric lighting, log fire, chunky duvet and tasteful furniture: all come together to keep you interested within a rustic locale.

worlds most expensive shed walig hut 2

With no modernizations included, the lavatory is a traditional farmhouse latrine. A one night-stay for up to two adults and two children at this old-fashioned wooden hut could cost you over £1,000, which includes a plush three-course meal with wine and champagne.

Via: DailyMail

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