1,800 issues of The New York Times go into making the new ‘green’ Aesop’s New Kiosk

Aesop's New Kiosk

Aesop, an Australian company that manufactures skin care products has recently made their foray into the American market with their unique eco-friendly kiosk stationed at the Grand Central in New York. The design of this exquisite Aesop kiosk is by Dennis Paphitis (Director at Aesop) and by Jeremy Barbour from Brooklyn – who have transformed this wide-selling American newspaper into a stand for displaying the company’s skincare products.

The Aesop Kiosk is created by piling together 1,800 copies of the New York Times – flat on top of each other- and held in place by means of a wooden frame. This eco-friendly kiosk is actually a combination of mini kiosks that are closely placed together to form innovative display units for the Aesop products.

However, the relationship between newspapers and skin care products is yet not clear – but Aesop’s advertising strategy by capturing the local newspaper first is a sure hit – and the eco-friendly nature of the kiosk is the icing on the cake!

Via: Fastcodesign

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