A house made of recycled drink cans – cheers!

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Whoever thought that cans can become building blocks of a house? That’s what exactly happened at the Bonnaroo Music Festival last summer. More than forty thousand recycled cans were used for constructing a house.

The house is named as Up-cycling can house. Up-cycling is different from recycling. Upcycling is the use of waste materials to create things of better quality and environmental value. It is using old stuff to make something that’s really good in use and quality. Recycling on the other hand tends to recycle waste materials into another set of waste materials. For example, plastic is recycled to paper – which is again a thing that is wasted.

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The builder of this house used exer-cycles – whatever that means, to propel empty cans up using a conveyor belt and dump it into the cylindrical structure. The creation grabbed everybody’s attention at the Bonnaroo Music Festival.

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Turning empty cans into brick-like structures of an house is a case of out of the box thinking. Although enough stuff is around, there could always be provisions made. Such a house might be a fun getaway. It could be great for kids to play in.

via: recylart

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