Amazing collages: When old maps and book pages become the canvas

matthew cusicks recycled artwork 1

When thoughts go beyond the range of spoken language, art becomes the visual medium to express oneself. So, I see no reason why sending across the message of sustainability to the world doesn’t take help from this beautiful medium of expression. Here are some of the most intricate and creative artworks that pop out from materials that you would have never imagined. An artist has converted used maps, book pages and magazine clippings into amazing paintings and collages.

The artist:

The ingenious mind behind these extraordinary masterpieces is Matthew Cusick. This talented collage artist from Dallas, Texas, creates incredible works of art using things that might look like waste to most of us. This graduate from Cooper Union got an opportunity to showcase his artwork just two years after he graduated in 1993. Since then, there has been no stopping for this creative head and he has had exhibitions in almost all the parts of the world.

The inspiration:

Inspired by topography, these one-of-a-kind pieces of art are a reflection of Matthew Cusick’s love for recording and arranging information, which are then manipulated and showcased in an artistic manner. The paintings and collages give a completely new meaning to old maps and book pages.

The material:

I know as students, books and maps were never something that quite appealed to us, but looking at these stunning artworks you might want to get your hands over them once again. These exquisite paintings and drawings are made from used maps, book pages, magazine clippings, ink, wood panels, acrylic, illustrated bibles, sumi ink, charcoal and chalk.

The artwork:

Breathing new life into old stuff by transforming them into artful masterpieces is the in thing these days. Looking at these wildly creative and utterly adorable artworks by Matthew Cusick, the only thing that comes to your mind is “unbelievable.” He has created painting and collages using used maps, book pages and magazine clippings. His “Map Works” include portraits of Charlie’s Angels, painting of a prominent Native American leader Geronimo, an image of a car, a dragon, etc. The other works come under the name “Happy Ending,” which is created by artistically pasting interesting magazine clippings on a panel. The “Constellation” is an eye-catching painting made by using an illustrated bible, sumi ink, charcoal and chalk on a panel.

Glowing aspects:

Matthew Cusick’s attention-grabbing paintings and collages not only outshine due to its aesthetical appeal, but also the green credentials it flaunts. These striking pieces of art divert old maps, book pages and magazines from landfills. This means there is a less amount of waste that gets deposited in our landfills or burned in incinerator plants, hence protecting the environment. Reusing requires fewer resources, less energy, and less labor compared to the manufacture of new products.

What is in it for me?

These beautiful paintings and collages are definitely an eye opener for anyone who sees old books and maps as trash. Looking at these masterpieces you too can get inspired and make either a similar effort or let your creativity flow and develop something artful from things you believe are waste. You too have the potential to transform your trash into your biggest treasure, all you need is a little creativity and zeal to do your bit for Mother Nature.

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