Colorful eco-friendly light festival to commemorate earthquake victims

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Every terrible disaster is followed by a hope, a hope to fight with the brutal situations, a hope to improve circumstances and a hope to live normally once again. Commemorating one such ill-fated blow of nature is Japan. The nation remembers the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995 and the lives lost in that dreadful incidence by conducting an extraordinary light festival every December. The dazzling light decorations are created from millions of small colorful light bulbs and LEDs.

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Dubbed the “Kobe Luminarie,” the festival first took place in December 1995. The first edition of the festival was called “Dreams and Light” and was a message of hope that two and a half million people came to see, on the first day. Kobe Luminarie comes with a new theme every year and has people from all over the world coming back year after year, to see the new light structures. Italian designer Valerio Festi and his team design the green illuminating installation each year. Everything from the arches to citadels is lit up with millions of small light bulbs and LEDs. This glowing installation creates a great eye candy.

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Image Credit

Via: OddityCentral

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